La quarry of Spanish tennis continues to add good results and the last, so far, has been the U14 European title masculine, the ancient and prestigious Sun Cup, in whose final the Spanish team MAPFRE defeated 2-0 Gran Breta�aen the CT Valencia. Spanish tennis adds this title to those achieved in 1991, 2002, 2012, 2015 y 2017in a competition that has always been held in our country since its creation in 1979. In the 2017 edition, Carlos was part of the winning team AlcarazDani Rinc�n and Alexander Correa.

On this occasion the champion team was formed by the Madrid team Izan Ba�ares -finalist this year in Les Petits As, the unofficial individual world championship of the category-, Marco Quesadaand the Balearic Toni Escardcon Nicol�s P�rez Dur�n as captain.

Toni Escard He achieved the first point of the final after making a great comeback against Scott Watson in a match that ended 2-6 6-3 6-3. Subsequently, to be Ba�ares certified the local victory against Niall Pickerd-Barua with a 6-3 6-2 in the number one duel.

Spain had reached the final after beating in the semifinals France in the decisive point of doubles by 2-1 and the day before Greece in the quarterfinals 3-0, after finishing first in their qualifying phase groups, played last week also in Valencia, with victories over Belgium, Poland and for the first time Great Britain. The president of the RFET, Miguel D�azwitnessed the final matches live.

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