In a country where disqualifications, hatred and dialectical attacks between politicians are the order of the day -we have verified it again in the campaign for the European Elections-, Sport is one of the few things that still unites us. In a country in which our leaders are more concerned with leaving the adversary at the level of the bitumen than in defending their political program and in u

n country in which, as a result,

society is increasingly polarized

because confrontation is sought more than union,

Carlos Alcaraz has emerged this Sunday as an oasis in the middle of the desert.

During the four and a half hours that the

Roland Garros final

against Alexander Zverev,

Space comes together to watch on television


, the tennis player who at 21 years old is the youngest to reach the ‘Grand Slam’ finals on three different surfaces, who was champion of the US Open in 2022, Wimbledon in 2023 and today Roland Garros. And for me, the most important thing was not the result, but what

During the time that the final lasted, it didn’t matter if you were left or right, we all wanted the same thing

: that he won

an athlete who, with his way of being on and off the track, is an example.

Alcaraz, and let the politicians take note,

understands competitiveness in a healthy way, always puts fair play first and has repeatedly shown signs of sportsmanship

. The Murcian

He treats his rivals with exquisite politeness

and, despite making sports history worldwide, it continues to be a

humble boy

His passion, his drive and his dedication to each point, in addition to his way of being so normal, far from other deified athletes of the same age in other disciplines, have made him

win the heart of a Spain lacking leaders like him

How good they would be for us in the political sphere.

Thank you very much, Carlos, for showing that to reach the top you don’t have to do so at the cost of tripping up others.

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