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In no time it begins julio and they are getting closer and closer vacationvacation for many Spaniards. The famous operations exits in our country they are extensive in summersummer and in fact, Some 94 million trips are expected in this campaign.

All these controls by the Civil Guard and the DGTDGT They aim to make the roads are saferoads are safe and let’s have a peaceful trip. Therefore, from both levels some have already been decided. key dates as for the controlscontrols. With this, if you were planning to travel in coachcamper, mobile home o motothese dates interest you.

There are already a series of special operationsspecial operations that have their dates very square. In fact, the first of these operations start today, Friday, June 28, and ends July 1. The second, if we look at it chronologically, will be the beginning of the month of August, therefore the July 31st there will be a greater presence of Civil Guard on the road.

Next will come one of the most important operations, due to the August long weekend. So the day will begin August 14 and ends on the 18th. Some very interesting dates for all Spaniards who want to go away for a few days.

Finally, the other major operation of the summer campaign will arrive: the return operation. On these dates, from August 30 to September 1, all the drivers will return from their well-deserved vacation and there will be a lot of traffic on the roads. Thus, during all these dates the controls of the Civil Guard.

However, it is also interesting to highlight other interesting dates:

Due to these dates and the data that there will be some 94 million tripsit is important to know a series of tips so that you do not eat a good traffic jam during your trip:

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