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Now what summer is comingsummer and the good weather, the drivers will undertake many tripsmany trips during their summer vacation. Therefore, the gas stationsgas stations will be filled with cars looking refuelGasoline and continue your journey. However, there are certain actions that should not be done, since you could damage the engine or eat you mistakes fatal while putting gas in the car.

One of the most costly mistakesmost costly mistakes that can be committed refuel is using the wrong type of fuel. Putting gasoline in a diesel car, or vice versa, can cause severe engine damagemotor and to the fuel system. This error occurs mainly due to lack of attention or ignorance. In many cases, the drivers are distracted, rushed, or simply not aware of the differences between fuel types. The key is always check twice before inserting the jet nozzle.

SmokeSmoke while refueling It is an extremely dangerous practice., and surprisingly, it continues to happen. Gasoline vapors are highly flammable and a spark from a cigarette can cause a fire or even an explosion. This behavior is usually the result of a lack of awareness of the risks or underestimation of the danger. It is crucial to remember that the service stations are areas where any ignition source should be avoided at all costs.

He Tank overfilling is another common mistake which can have serious consequences. When filling the tank to overflowing, liquid fuel can enter the carbon filter, a component of the emissions control system. This filter is designed to handle vapors, not liquids. When saturated, it loses efficiency and can clog the tank ventilation system, affecting the vehicle performance and increasing pollution. People often overfill the tank in an attempt to round out the price or simply because they are unaware of the risks involved.

Related to overfilling, add more gasoline than necessary also includes attempting to fill the tank beyond the automatic dispenser shutoff. This behavior is common due to the mistaken belief that you can “use” more of the tank, or simply not wanting to return to the service station soon. However, this excess fuel can not only damage the carbon filter, but also can cause dangerous spills and fuel waste.

Refueling is a simple task, but it must be done with due attention and caution. Checking the type of fuel, refraining from smoking near the pump, avoiding overfilling and respecting the automatic shut-off of the pump are essential steps to guarantee not only the good functioning of the vehicle, but also the safety of everyone at the service station. The next time you stop to refuelremember these tips and avoid these common mistakes for a safe journey and without setbacks.

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