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More and more people are using electric scooterselectric scooters in their day to day life, and although the rental services of these vehicles have stopped gaining as much strength as they did a few months ago, you still see many in the streets. If you use one in your daily life there are some recommendations that you should keep in mind, especially if you have tricked it.

The interest in Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP)Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP) has grown significantly in our country in recent years, especially due to the scooters and bicycles, which has been a headache for City Councils in many cities. Thus, little by little new regulations have had to be created that regulate this type of vehicles to avoid greater evils.

Some of the main modifications that you may have seen in cities (especially in larger ones such as Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia) is the creation of lanes for VMPs, to promote sustainable transportation and its controlled use. However, these lanes still have a series of rules that you must comply with if you drive in a VMP, just as there are other mandatory requirements about which City Councils try to raise awareness.

Believe it or not, riding a scooter is dangerous and carries a great responsibility for all drivers, who must comply with the established rules. If you are one of those who does not usually comply with the regulations, here we leave you Some of the fines you face:fines

Surely if you have a vehicle and you are passionate about motors you have carried out some other modification, whether aesthetic or technical. However, as with everything, there are also limitations here and as long as you modify your vehicle must be within legal limits. And it is that for the VMPVMP The regulations are also quite demanding.

First of all, as we have told you before, you must make sure that Your vehicle’s lighting is correct and it works as it should. On the other hand, call you scooter for it to run more than allowed (25 km/h) means, in addition to a great risk to your safetya fine of about 500 eurosso you might want to think twice.

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