The National Police has arrested in Córdoba al alleged attacker of a woman That resulted stab wound in the Fuensanta neighborhood last Wednesday. As the Cope network announced this Friday and confirmed the National Police to this newspaper, the individual was arrested yesterday Thursday around 10:30 p.m., in the vicinity of the bus station From the capital.

The man, who is of foreign nationality and he is about 20 years old, had been wanted and captured since last Wednesday, when the events occurred. The victim was allegedly attacked in a home in the early afternoon and suffered injuries to his arms, legs and face.

The alleged attacker had a restraining order that he breachedAs reported this Thursday by the Government’s subdelegate in Córdoba, Ana Lopez. This individual did not have telematic measures and a medium level risk for the woman had been assessed. At this time, the detainee is in police custody, waiting to be brought to justice.


The victim, 31 years old, received a medical discharge on Wednesday after being treated at the Reina Sofía hospital. The National Police took his statement yesterday morning and is investigating what happened as a alleged crime of gender violence. The woman was included in the VioGén System against gender violence and since she was attacked she has been in police custody.

In the face of sexist violence, 016

He phone 016 serves victims of gender violence 24 hours a day, every day of the year. On this phone you will find the help of specialists in multiple languages. If you or someone you know is a victim of physical, psychological, sexual, economic or any other type of violence, call: the number is not registered on the telephone bill.

If you need urgent help, the Emergency teams will help you quickly at 112.

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