German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Friday called for the expansion of digital research and development in the country, as he donned a virtual reality headset.

“We must create the framework for this to take place in many places in Germany,” Scholz said during a visit to the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering (HPI) in his constituency in the city of Potsdam, located just outside of Berlin.

What makes Germany a country of engineers, technicians and scientists must be cultivated for the future, Scholz said.

Cutting-edge research and education in digital sciences and other fields are needed to ensure that Germany remains a global leader.

“Germany’s digital future is good. It is something that can inspire and where we can organize a better life together,” said Scholz. “Of course, this will only succeed if we can do these things ourselves.”

The institute, which is affiliated with the University of Potsdam, focuses on IT research and engineering. It is funded through donations from German billionaire Hasso Plattner, one of the founder of software giant SAP.

“Everything takes place here at this institute,” Scholz said on Friday. “If you’ve been here and looked into the enthusiastic faces of those who work and research here, you don’t have to worry about Germany’s future.”

Scholz tried on virtual reality (VR) goggles during his visit to the institute, which allow artificial worlds to be experienced.

In this case, Scholz took a virtual look around the Salzburg Festival Theatre, an experience the chancellor said he enjoyed.

“You could spend an evening there,” Scholz said, before adding a quip: “Now some more wine.”

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