Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will reject any role for Iran-backed Hamas once the fighting ends in the Gaza Strip.

“Imagine allowing the defeated Nazis in 1945 to rebuild Germany. It’s inconceivable. It’s ridiculous,” he told the United Nations on Friday. “It didn’t happen then. It’s not going to happen now.”

He said Israel was ready to work with international partners to support a local civilian administration to run Gaza following the end of the nearly year-old war to eliminate Hamas militants.

Netanyahu ended his address to the General Assembly by calling the United Nations a “house of darkness” that reflexively takes an anti-Israel stance.

Palestinians know “that in this swamp of anti-Semitic bile, there’s an automatic majority willing to demonize the Jewish state on anything.”

He continued: “In this anti-Israel, flat-Earth society, any false charge, any outlandish allegation can muster a majority.”

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaks at the 79th General Debate of the UN General Assembly. Michael Kappeler/dpaIsrael's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaks at the 79th General Debate of the UN General Assembly. Michael Kappeler/dpa

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaks at the 79th General Debate of the UN General Assembly. Michael Kappeler/dpa

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