Spain y Finland They face each other in the semi-final of the pre-olympic of basketball that takes place in Valencia. Bahamas wait in the final.

var paramFIC =’POB_30493_02_01_08210_08000′; var paramIDM = 0; var paramPathIdm = “”; var paramPathXml = “”; var paramPathImg = “”; var paramMODEL = “2”; /* 1=Vertical; 2=Folders */ var paramMODULES = “1.99”; /*1=Result; 2=Players; 3=Narrative; 4=Statistics; 5=Ranking; 6=Evolution; 7=Launchers; 99=Folders */ var paramFOLDERS = “10,4,5,6,7”; /* 10=Players + Narration */ var paramFOLDERS = “2,3,4,5,6,7”; /* 10=Players + Narration */ var paramHIGH_COM = 600; /* narration height */ var paramREFRESH = 30000;

Don’t miss with SPORT anything that happens in the San Luis Fountain in the pre-Olympic match between Spain y Finland.

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