There is a popular debate around the position of the toilet paper in the bathrooms. This product is a basic element for our hygiene, and we all have at least one copy. However, you have surely gone to an acquaintance’s house, or in an establishment, and found the toilet paper in an inverted position.
In this context, science wanted to end this discussion and has determined what the best position is. According to a study by the University of Colorado, toilet paper should be placed with the loose end on top, avoiding infections. It is important to know that no matter how much we clean the bathroom, this area is always in danger of having bacteria.
Toilet paper should never be placed on the floor or on any surface, even if it appears clean. This measure takes on even greater relevance in public places, where the influx of people increases. The best way to ensure hygienic safety in bathrooms is to carry out a correct cleaning and store the paper rolls in a good place.
Storing toilet paper rolls in a closet instead of having them displayed is a good way to prevent the growth of bacteria. In addition, it is important to clean your hands well before and after each process, avoiding contamination problems.