El system competition designed by World Rugby for the permanence phase in these Finals of the HSBC Sevens Series es cruelsince everything depends on the crossing of quarter finals. But whatever happens, the men’s team led by Paco Hern�ndez has shown in this group stage that it is a strong, solid team, that has gone in progresi�n ascending throughout the season and that, regardless of what happens tomorrow in the quarterfinals, it can go to the Preol�mpico from Monaco with trust in their own strength.

Ante Samoain the last match of the group stage, a victory was added by 31-0 in which the deployment of resources in defense and attack was as important as the tensi�n competitive: on two occasions the oceanic team, which has also played in the World Series this season, managed to open intervals and sent two men in lonely towards the test. The Hispanic advantage was large and therefore the brands, probably inconsequentialbut still two tremendous plywoodwinning by speed in the race against the rival, they kept the Spanish score at zero. Pol PlaJuan Ramos (2), Alejandro Laforga y Jeremy Trevithick the Spanish essays were noted. Ramos transformed two and Nicolás Nietoone.

Canad�also a World Series team, has closed the classification of the Group A with three defeats: against Uruguay (41-7), Germany (19-14) y EU (14-7). Spain has beaten them the four times they have played against them this season but as the Hispanic coach, Paco Hernández, says “against Canada you never know which team you are going to find“. In these World Series. In his last game, against EU, first in group A, he has only fit of the essays.

Initially, Spain’s victory against Samoa has meant avoiding a quarter-final clash with a certain morbidity: before the Germany trained by Pablo feijoo, former Spanish coach, who in a short time has achieved a significant development of the German team. Thus, the quarterfinal clashes for permanence or promotion in the men’s World Series will be USA-Samoa, Kenya-Germany, Chile-Uruguay and Spain-Canada

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