Lupon arrival of Rugby 7s World Series a Madrid has had an enormous impact, not only in the city, but also in the Espa�ola Rugby Federation.
For the first time in history, Madrid hosted a tournament of this magnitude rugby 7 and expectations were high, but no one could imagine the boom it has had.
In sports, the men’s and women’s teams achieved the main objective of the series, to maintain the category and belong, once again, in the first division of world rugby 7.
Poster celebrating the rugby 7 teams
Impact on social networks
And at Federaci�n I was looking for something off the playing field, it was to get people excited about this sport and in this way, to be able to reach more fans and for all of them to be able to try the experience of this sport.
We spoke with Javier Alonsoresponsible for the Federation’s social networks to be able to see what plan they had and if they expected this repercussion.
We expected to grow and be well received, but we would never have imagined this impact
Las world series They are played around the world, and by being held on Spanish soil, this opened the door for the social media team to be able to broadcast everything that was happening with the teams instantly.: training sessions, concentrations, minutes before games and after games inside the locker room.
And precisely, thanks to training, the rugbyman�a in social networks.
V gods of the Ferugby on Tiktok
With a video of almost 3 Million viewsunder the title, we are waiting for you in Madrid Svns, the profiles of Instagram, Tiktok y X They have not stopped fuming since then, due to the great reception by the public of these videos.
Rugby Federation Profiles
83 thousand followers on Instagram, 50 thousand on Twitterr y 77 mil en Tiktok, the Federation is experiencing massive growth in this last week. “We have duplicated and even triplicated “The followers and the people who use these platforms liked the coverage,” Javier clarified.
Now, looking ahead to the women’s European championships and the men’s preolympicthe Federation wants to continue with the good sporting and non-sporting performance to be able to close the rugby 7 season in style.
From BRANDwe were present at the C�vitas Metropolitano to give the maximum possible coverage to the tournament and we were able to experience this rugby mania first-hand.