La selecci�n espa�olhas advanced towards the semi-finals of the men’s Pre-Olympic which is disputed in M�naco after winning in quarterfinals to Hong Kong China 26-5. Great Britain will be the rival in the semifinalson the way to a final where the �nica plaza in Game. The other semi-final will be played Sud�frica y Canad�.

Unlike the meeting of the group stage also against Hong Kong -World Rugby organizations and regulations have these things-, in which the team of Paco Hernández had to come back although a clear victory was also achieved, On this occasion the Spanish superiority was total and early.Tob�as Sainz-Tr�paga scored on the initial play and then two essays annotated and transformed by Josep Serres took the score to 19-0 at halftime.

In it second half was played with a little less tension but still Manu Moreno I scored another essay. Hong Kong China had its first approaches to the Spanish goal zone, but Herbert’s try came two minutes after regulation time had expired.

The semi-final against Great Britain will take place at 15:34 in the search for a place in the final. The British team has just completed full of victories in the group stage against Canada, Uganda and China.

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