El Silicius Majadahonda has been proclaimed for the second consecutive year champion of the Iberdrola League of Rugby by overcoming a very tight final 13-12 to CRAT Rialta Residence. With this title the Madrilenians confirm their absolute supremacy in national rugby, since they have won all the titles at stake: Iberdrola League, Super Cup, RFER Cup and Ib�rica Cup.

The match began with a penalty shot passed between the sticks by Cristina L�pez and a test of Mar�a Mar�nboth from Silicius, but near the break the coru�esas They shortened it with a penalty try.

In the second half, Start Well He scored for CRAT with four minutes remaining and put his team ahead for the first time. However the Majariego painting forced a penalty shot one minute from the end that passed between the sticks again Cristina L�pez to put a point ahead, which would be the final one.

The Galicians tried a short center kick on the last play of the game to force the recovery, but Majadahonda He took over the oval and took it out at the same time as the final whistle sounded.

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