LThe two best teams in the regular phase of the League Iberdrola, Silicon Rugby Majadahonda y CRAT Rialta Residence, have shown their great form and have won in semi-finals a CR Sant Cugat y AVR FC Barcelona, respectively. Rhinas and Gallegas will reissue, next weekend, the final of the RFER Cup in El Valle del Arcipreste and will compete in the Last national title of the season women’s XV rugby.

They opened the semifinals in Majadahonda the Silicius Rugby and the Sant Cugat, who had just beaten Ghenova in the quarterfinals Cocos Rugby. After a great first half for the visitors, which helped them go into half-time ahead 10-17, the current RFER Cup, League and Iberdrola Super Cup champions pulled gallons to certify their pass to a new final by closing the score in 27-17.

The CRAT Residencia Rialta received an AVR FC Barcelona who gave the surprise in the first round of Play Off by winning Pepe Rojo against The Savior. A great first half of the visitors helped them go into the break ahead, 7-8, but CRAT dominated the seconds 40 minutes to finish sealing their classification, 24-15, to the final.

Both top teams from the XV season meet again in a final, this time in the Iberdrola Rugby League. Silicius Rugby Majadahonda will have the opportunity to get the full of titles in the current season and revalidate the league championship won for the first time last season (first national title in form of League, in 1993 and 1994 they won the Spanish Championship), while CRAT Residencia Rialta will be able to redeem themselves from the defeat suffered in Alcobendas against the Majariegas in the final of the RFER Cup.

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