The Lions M20 they don’t start in the best way South Africa M20 World Cup. Spain debuted against the current champion of this World Cup and they knew it was going to be a tough and demanding match and that’s how it turned out, France has not given the Lions a chance, as they have touched the scoring zone on a couple of occasions. no rival

The Lions They are clear about what the objective of this World Cup is, not to be relegated, to reach the last game alive and having improved each game. Without a doubt, a match as demanding as this one will help them improve for the matches against the All Balcks y Gales.

Spain improved in the second half but it was not enough to get an offensive bonus that would have been very good for the team.

Without a doubt, we must focus on the second half of the game, which was very good, with a high level of intensity and, if Spain plays like this in the rest of the games, they can dream of remaining and why no, with a good position in this M20 World Cup.

First part

During the first 14 minutes, the foot game has been the protagonistWith the exception of a very early try by the French, during the first 20 minutes, both teams exchanged balls as if it were a tennis match.


The French have not been fine during the first half, where 8/10 kicks who were looking for the touch line have stayed inside the field of play, while the Spanish have managed to 5/6 kicks went out through the line, taking advantage of the French weakness with lateral throws.

Precisely, in the 20th minute, an accumulation of defensive errors, and a drop that made no sense on the part of Gonzalo Otamendiwho did not reach the goal zone, guided France to the Spanish goal zone, where they placed 14-0 on the scoreboard. Hugo Reus He scored the second kick of the game.

In the 27th minute, France separated themselves further on the scoreboard, a third try and a third conversion by the French captain, Hugo Reus, put a 21-0 lead and, after the center kick, The young Frenchmen found a way to rehearse for the fourth time, but a great defense by Alberto Carmona returned the ball to Spain and annulled the rehearsal.

After a few last minutes where the Spanish defense was improving, the French superiority was able to defeat Spain and, after the sound of the horn that put an end to this first half, the referee awarded a somewhat dubious penalty try to favor of France that made it 28-0 with which our neighbors went to half-time.

Statistics at half-time

Tests scored: France 4 – 0 Spain

Handball errors: France 6 – 4 Spain

Penalty blows: France 4 – 9 Spain

Recoveries: France 1 – 3 Spain

Posesi�n: France 66% – 34% Spain

Second part

The second half started in the best possible way for the Lions, Diego Gonz�lez (2) He took advantage of the pick-ups in the last meters of the French defense to score Spain’s first points in this World Cup and Gonzalo Otamendi (10) He added a +2 in the 47th minute with the transformation.

These first minutes of the team in the second half are worth highlighting, strong in defense and even stronger in attack, the only part that had been missing in the first half.

Javier López de Haro (21) He left after rehearsal to manage the team and gave rest to Nicol�s Infer (9). In the 50th minute a double change in the Spanish forward came to push a melee in our line of 5, Guido Reyes (3) and Martín Serrano (4)they left their position in the field so that Aniol Franch (18) and Valentino Rizzo (20) They will come in to bring freshness to the team.

Unaz Zuiriarrain (22) entered in the 53rd minute for Alberto Carmona (12) to give lungs to the three-quarter line. During the first 14 minutes of the second half, we could see a different selection than the first half, very good defense, very good attack and knowing how to regulate efforts.

A second half where thanks to that extra defensive effort that the Spanish have made, the French have made endless errors with their hands, where Espa�a He has been able to recover balls and gain very important defensive meters to not concede more points.


a step of Fabien Bray-Boirie sat down the Spanish defense in the 61st minute that put the 7-7 in the second part where Spain was growing.

After a good second half, indecisions and meaningless play appeared again, the defender Lucien Richardsstarted again with footwork, managing to serve in the Spanish 22 zone and mount a counter that was cut off by an offside by the French.

In the final minutes, the lack of oxygen appeared in Espa�a and after a melee on the 22 line, Geoffrey Malaterre extended the distance in this second half duel in the 72nd minute and just 2 minutes later, Malaterre I rehearsed again to make it 21-7 as the score for this second half.

Spain did not give up Julien Bruguillos closed a little distance, adding 5 points with the essay that L�pez de Haro could not transform.

With that last test, Spain closes its first game in the M20 World Cup with a painful defeat but one that will surely serve to improve for the next games.

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