La selecci�n male Yes, it started on the right foot on its path through the permanence phase of the HSBC Sevens Series. The team led by Paco Hern�ndez won by 29-12 a Chile in a match that, in its first half, was not exempt from some difficulty. But when the Spanish Seven centr� He had no problems establishing and expanding differences. Then he beat 10-5 Kenya in a match in which it was played effectively in the first half while in the second it was known suffer.

Spain began the men’s competition against the theoretically weaker rival in Group B. A power test by Manu Moreno At the minute of play it was evident the desire with which the Spanish team undertook the fight for permanence. But the nerves of the debut were noticeable in that in that first half, perhaps with a untimely aware of their favoritism, they opted for preciousness rather than forcefulness. No more were scored in the first half, Chile tied with Clemente’s try Armstrong and in addition two yellowa Dumplings y Butter. Until the end of the second half, Spain played with two mebo men. But the damage was controlled.


The second half was different: very good in anticipation and stealing the oval, L�pez, Manteca and Serres They made a reassuring difference. The XV World Cup player Garafulic recort� y Trevithick established the final score.

In the second meeting, before KenyaI don’t know especul� at no time. In the first stage, the speed African and it was 10-5 at half-time with tries from Pol Pla and Tobias Sainz-Tr�paga in two impeccable circulations from right to left. In the second half Kenya broke the continuity of the game. That affected the Lions’ game but the game was not lost. tensi�n defense only allowed one try to the rivals.

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