SThere are two days left until The lioness face each other in the first of the two duels that make up the training camp against Canad�preparatory to the heads or tails match that will define the June 29 at 6:35 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time) in the Cardiff Arms Park Which of the two National Teams gets a place in the WXV2 and takes a Direct ticket to the 2025 World Cup in England.

This Sunday June 9 at 12:00 in it Amor�s Palao de Elche Las Leonas Rugby Field will star in the first of these duels against a Canad� that arrives second in the world ranking after having surpassed the all-powerful Pacific Four Series less than a month ago Black Ferns. Next week they will continue with this training camp facing each other on Saturday June, 15 back to the maple leaf in The La Vila Reservoir, at 12:00 Spanish peninsular time.

Before that, we spoke with Alba Vinuesa who despite her youth is already one of the pillars of these Lionesses who are hungry for everything.

“We met on Monday in Elche and some of them had not played since the finals or semi-finals of the Iberdrola League, but those of us who came from France or England have had to regulate our loads and do training in a different way. So the staff It has been a lot of fault that everything is going so well

Alba Vinuesa, player of the Spanish XV Rugby Team

As for the surprise of the rival, since no one expected that Gales went from being third to last in the 6 Nations in just one year, Alba recognizes that “There were different reactions, a little of everything. We have been for quite some time, since 2019without facing them and we know them less than other teams like Ireland and Italy. But in this last month and a half before getting together we have done a lot of video analysis and we have studied them in depth. “Now we want to focus on ourselves more than on them, on our game, work on our strengths and polish the areas of improvement,” he stated. Alba.

Although many players they have been unemployed longerAlba confirms to us that, despite playing with his clubs, They have continued with the specific preparation of the federation to get to these games in the best possible shape.

“The truth is that now we feel in better physical shape than ever and these first two weeks we are going to continue at the level we were at, working on strength, resistance and when the game gets a little closer we will adapt the body in a different way. “On the emotional level, each time that someone mention the 29 In June we get an alert. It is a day fixed on the calendar and in our heads and we are looking forward to it.”

“Our hair stands on end when we think about the World Cup,” Alba acknowledges. “In addition, I know how to be a great group and know that it is together that we are going to achieve it. We love that it is England, the cradle of rugby. This cycle has been hard, the generational change was very big and it has been hard. But the group that we have built is amazing and we know that together On the 29th we are going to show what we are”.

Regarding the preparation against Canada, Vinuesa He admits “they couldn’t have thought of a better rival. We know it’s hardwho come second in the world but we want to measure ourselves against the best, and then reach the world and also be able to stand up to them and show who we are. We are going to go out onto the field as if we had Wales in front of usalready for the two victories to arrive with a good feeling to Cardiff”.

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