ESpanish golf can now say that David Puig He has become one of his references, since it is not in vain that he will be the one accompanying Jon Rahm at the Paris Olympic Games. It is more than likely that his name will resonate more and more strongly if he continues at the level he is showing this year. Without going any further, today the ‘X’ account of the US Open itself – and television – was very attentive to the player who was providing him with the most highlights. The Catalan, a golfer from the RFEG factory who, like Jon Rahm, He completed his training at Arizona State Universityis demonstrating in this edition of the US Open that he is not just another one.

On the third day, Barcelona’s La Garriga, member of the LIV Fireballs team captained by Sergio Garc�a, He has scored 69 hits (-1), but it’s been on fire for two days now. In the accumulated, the player 22 a�os transit with 213 (+3)an extraordinary result in a field like Pinehurst N�2 which not only gives nothing away, but where achieving a birdie is almost a utopia for some. He, on the other hand, made five today, although it is true that he combined it with four bogeys.

On Friday he also made five birdies and on Thursday one: 11 in total. It was precisely his poor debut in the tournament that prevented him from fighting for victory on Sunday. In the third round -as in the second-, Puig took risks, went for everything and missed more streets than desired, but his golf allowed him to earn quite a few birdie chances. Plenty of accurate irons and big shots around the green were the key, although he clearly lacked consistency in his game. In any case, It is a great recoverer and for this you have to have very good hands.

That consistency is likely to end up arriving, since the Catalan is setting him up to fly high. It is true that in the LIV he had not obtained the best results this year until Houston’s third place last week. But on his mind was playing the Games and qualifying for the ‘majors’, hence he enrolled in all the scoring tournaments he could on the Asian Circuit. Last year he won the Singapore International Series and this year he won the Malaysia Open. But the most notable thing is that he has become accustomed to being around victory. Of course, he has had enough of doing kilometers to combine the LIV and the Asian Tour, but the experience has made him advance in his career.

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