Lthe company Baj Golf Iberia SLresponsible for the well-known brand Topgolfwith numerous facilities around the world, has set its sights on La Nuc�a and the proof is that he has already presented a project for the construction of a golf training center. The facilities would be like those that the brand has already been creating, that is, with a artificial grass playing surface, latest generation technology (for example, the use of the ‘Toptracer’ system, which allows the movement of the balls hit to be known in real time), a leisure center with restaurants, a shop and multipurpose rooms; locker rooms, offices, facilities rooms and a parking with about 500 spaces.

For his part, the La Nuc�a City Council has already approved the declaration of public interest and has accepted for processing the application submitted by the company Baj Golf Iberia SL, for the demanial concession of a plot of 50,000 meters -in the partial plan of La Serreta- in which to build a sports center. The estimated execution period would be 12 months, so it is estimated that the facilities They could open in March 2026.

As explained Mayor Bernab� Cano, will now move on to the public exhibition phase to receive alternatives to this project, and then the construction and operation will be awarded, in this case to the company Baj Golf Iberia SL, which He is the one who presented the project. It will entail This company invested 36 million euros and it is estimated that it would generate 450 jobs directly and indirectly.both for the execution of the work and for the exploitation of the service, and the acquisition of material and equipment.

The project of ‘La Nuc�a, City of Sports’is taking shape once the Surf Park also began to be built, located next to the current Ciutat Esportiva Camilo Cano.

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