SIt happened a couple of months ago during the practice round of the tournament. LIFE Golf in Miami. A couple of Basque fans approached Jon Rahm already Sergio Garc�a on the tee of hole 2 to propose a challenge: Does a golf ball or a basket ball reach more speed?

The two Spanish golfers were very close with their compatriots and exchanged anecdotes about their respective sports. “I don’t know how you dare to get in there.” [en un front�n] With that, you are crazy!”Rahm commented, confessing that he had played shovel as a child but had never worn a basket.

The basket they carried Jairo y Christmas It didn’t fit Jon’s hand and he couldn’t try to make a pitch, but an interesting debate arose between the four of them: ball speed. Sergio demonstrated a hitting speed of 171 miles per hour while Rahm reached the 177.8 m/h.

The pelotaris could not register their maximum speed but they assured that they have managed to register a speed of 190 miles per hourso, almost, The victory goes to the basket over the ‘driver’.

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