Russia’s arms industry has significantly increased its production this year, according to President Vladimir Putin as he addressed a meeting of the Military and Defence Commission in St. Petersburg on Thursday.

“These days, the companies in the arms sector are working rhythmically and precisely, doing everything necessary to provide the armed forces with modern weapons, technology, ammunition and equipment for the military special operation,” he said, using the Kremlin’s phrase to describe Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

While Russian troops received 140,000 drones last year, this year it would be 1.4 million, he said, while also calling for further increases.

Drones have become one of the most important weapons for both sides, which use them for reconnaissance, combating infantry troops, armoured vehicles and even strategic targets in the hinterland.

China introduced increased export restrictions for drones and drone parts in September, but up until then, both Russia and Ukraine heavily relied on partly converted Chinese drones, especially for short-range reconnaissance.

Both Kiev and Moscow are now focusing heavily on further developing their own drones.

Putin stated that by 2030, 48 more production facilities for drone manufacturing would be established, as he insisted Russia must become independent of foreign sources in this area.

For his part, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reaffirmed Kiev’s goal of producing at least 1 million drones. “And there will be more overall this year,” he said.

In July, the Ukrainian army is said to have used even more drones than Russia’s forces as Kiev seeks to fend off the Russian invasion launched in February 2022.

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