In 1911 a team made up of players of French origin, called Fatherland Society, and a group made up of players from Spanish Sports Club, They disputed their first rugby match in Catalonia“. The seed of the oval that has brought us to this centenary was sown.

We talk to David Godlinesshigh commissioner of the Centenary of Rugby in Spain who tells us how the process of creaci�n of ‘One hundred years of rugby‘, a magnificently edited book that fans of both rugby and sports in general will undoubtedly enjoy.


First of all, David apologizes in advance, as he indicates in the book’s prologue. “Surely we have left many things to tell and for that we apologize and understand…it is so rica our history for so little space that we have been forced to summarize it but we want both clubs and federations to know that this book is only a beginningwe are already thinking about the second part and we also have in mind a macro project to recover the historical memory at the level of all rugby of the state”.


“They have collaborated many people and all altruistically, We are infinitely grateful to them. Except in the case of Catalu�a where there was extensive documented material, for the other communities each writer has had, in many cases, to start practically from scratch and look for their own collaborators to investigate the rugby history of the different territories.


Galicia and Asturias; Basque Country, Navarra and La Rioja; Center (Madrid and Castilla La Mancha); Castilla y León and Cantabria; Andalusia and Extremadura; Aragón, Valencia and Murcia; Canary Islands and Balearic Islands; No bin; Third half – Ferm�n de la Calle, Gabriel Candau, Jos� Alberto Molina Catalu�a – Mari� Pasarello Women’s Rugby – Helena Lanuza Inclusive and wheelchair rugby – Michael Artiles Spanish Rugby Federation – Jos� Alberto Molina, Mari� Pasarello The skin of the lion, the skin of the lioness – Jos� Alberto Molina, Ra�l Muro, Mari� Pasarello The book has illustrations by Pepe Farruqo and Raquel Gu and the work of the editor Nat�lia D�ez (Naono) and Editorial Planeta.

The writing of the book would not have been possible without the help and collaboration of Luis Manuel Mandi Guti�rrez, Antonio Capi Lemos, Javier Se�ar�s Senra, Iker Andonegi, Luis Benito, David Crestelo, C�sar Estornes , Architecture, Colegio Mayor Cisneros, Madrid Rugby Federation, Jos� Manuel Ib��ez, Liceo Franc�s, Mario Alonso, Luis As�a, Santi Battaner, Tommy Comorales, Constantino Tin�n Caminero, Pepe Crespo, Jes�s Chucho Gadea, Municipal Sports Foundation of the Valladolid City Council, Eneko Ga��n, Le’Old Veterans Group, Juan Carlos Lorenzo, �ngel Marcos, Roberto M�gica, Jos� Miguel Ortega, F�lix Chevas P�rez Echevarr�a, Fernando Raposo, Jos� Manuel Samperio, Alejandro Buz�n, Antonio Buz�n, Germ�n García, Paco Maz�n, Javier Ortiz, Toni Gimeno, Enrique Olcina, Mario Ornat, Carmelo S�nchez, Paco Soler, Bet Boloix, Bego�a Montmany, Marc Sent�s, Manuel Gonz�lez de Coss�o, Marta Lliteras, Jos� Perera Mendoza, Jorge Rodríguez Bustos, Felipe Ublo, Margarita and Pilar Arenillas, Charo Bad�a, Bet Boloix, Ferran Dom�nguez (Malinowsky), Lali Dordal, Elo�sa Lorente, Paloma Loza, Mariana Marxuach, Susan Moncl�s, Lidia Monge, Bego�a Montmany, Roser Par �s, Carlos Rodríguez Garc�ay, in general, the players of the first Spanish women’s rugby team (Wales 1991), David Camp�n Moreno, national coordinator of Wheelchair Rugby of the Federation Spanish Association of Sports for People with Physical Disabilities and Felipe P. Callej�n.


“The fact that the prestigious Editorial Planeta is in charge of its publication guarantees great distribution in bookstores and it can also be purchased online at Ferugbytienda and physical sales points at the different events of the Royal Spanish Rugby Federation”.

Congratulations to all of you who have made it possible, an essential book in every rugby library.

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