El VRAC Quesos Entrepinares took revenge this Sunday against Burgos already added another league title to his already extensive record, in a competitive match, which the Recoletas control until the 59th minute and in which the people from Valladolid turned the result around.

The tension of the match was evident from the first minute between two teams that knew each other very well and wanted to break the balance between the finals played by both – four – since they had been distributed.

Los Burgos started as favoritesafter adding the titles of Super Cup and Copa del Rey and, in addition, have the court factor. And they came out with the firm intention of controlling the game and, with it, the score.

Thus, taking advantage of two indisciplines on the part of the blue team, one for entering a ruck incorrectly, and another for turning the melee, the Recoletas I managed to place the 6-0 in the 7th minutethanks to Carri�’s effectiveness in his shots on sticks.

He BULK He was not comfortable on the field, and failed in the oval receptions. Added to that was the yellow card for Marc S�nchez, for slapping a rival after a touch, which left the Valladolid team with one less, in the midst of local dominance. And the people of Burgos took perfect advantage of his superiority to score the first try, from the hands of Casteglioni, who found space in the cheese defense to land the ball on the visitors’ goal line.

But the people from Valladolid did not lower their arms and, after balancing the squads – upon receiving the yellow Sacovechi-, Moala, in a worked play, knew how to cross to confuse the local defense and rehearse. It was the boost they needed to stop Recoletas’ initial dominance. And, without respite, they once again asserted the circulation of the oval, after a maul, to add another try on the side, at the hands of Miejimolle.

The intensity was maximum, and that is why the first half closed with two more punishing blows, one for each team, which left the score in a tight 14-13 at halftime.

After the restart, the Burgos team struck first again, with a new try, by Gramajo, after several phases of pick and go, in which Recoletas took good advantage of the power of its forward line.

That did not intimidate the Valladolid team, who took advantage of the experience of a tireless Gavidi, who was accompanied on his escape by Perotti, who picked up the ball to add another mark to the scoreboard and place the BULK ahead, for the first time in the match (19-20).

A period of uncertainty began, in which errors were shared between both teams, which left the match open to any possibility. You had to know how to handle indiscipline, and the time of the game.

Carri� He was able to regain control of the score, but the penalty shot, due to a high tackle by VRAC, went wide. And the people from Valladolid knew how to calm their nerves and keep the ball without committing any more indiscipline, until the referee signaled the end of the game. With this, There are already 13 league titles for those of Diego Merino.

Technical sheet:

19- Recoletas Burgos Caja Rural: Bernardo V�zquez, Agust�n Gil, Gramajo, Sacovechi, Wagenaar, Rub�n Sanz, Zumeta, Boronat, Bay, Carri�, Guillermo Mateu, Mart�n Mateu, Rasc�n, Facundo L�pez, Casteglioni. Also playing were Tom�s Dom�nguez, Masuyama, Walker, Mansieux, Gabriel Rocaries, Caini, Ad�riz

20- VRAC Quesos Entrepinares: Juan P�rez, Miejmolle, Genco, Gavidi, Potgieter, Marc S�nchez, Fabish, Moala, Perotti, Taibo, Jerry Surumi, Alejandro Alonso, Cian, Lainz, Arnau Andr�s. De la Lastra, Calz�n, Lennon, V�lez, Alberto Blanco, �lex P�rez also played.

Partials: 3-0 (m.4), punishment blow that Carri� transforms. 6-0 (m.7), punishment blow that Carri� transforms. 11-0 (m.18), Casteglioni try. 11-5 (m.23), Moala’s essay. 11-10 (m.31), essay by Miejmolle. 14-10 (m.34), punishment blow that Carri� transforms. 14-13 (m.36), punishment blow that Taibo transforms. 19-13 (m.52), essay by Gramajo. 19-20 (m.59), Perotti’s essay that Taibo passes.

�rbitro: Alfonso Mirat Servant (Madrid Committee). He showed yellow cardboard to Marc S�nchez (m.16), from VRAC Quesos Entrepinares, and Sacovechi (m.23), from Recoletas.

Incidences: Match corresponding to the final of the Rugby Honor Division, played at the Bienvenido Nieto fields in Burgos before more than a thousand spectators.

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