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The summer timesummer is already here and the Spaniards will hit the road in search of their vacationvacation. In fact, the data ensure that more than 94 million trips, 0.4% more than the previous year. Therefore, the DGTDGT has already got to work to make this summer campaign safe avoiding traffic accidentstraffic accidents.

Precisely, the most common accident on our roads is due to speedingspeedingtherefore the DGT keep installing more radarsradars for our road safety. In this regard, Spanish drivers will travel to Coast zones in search of good weather and playa. Therefore, it is necessary to know Which coastal areas have the most radars?.

Although it doesn’t seem right to many people, the reality is that the radarsthe radars They are a necessary and useful tool for DGT. With them, there are fewer traffic accidents and, therefore, highways and roads are safer.

According to the report you have provided Coyotethe coastal area with the most radars is in the north, more specifically in the Costa Tubwhich has nothing more and nothing less than 184 radars.

Some of the reasons why this area has so many radars may be due to its geography, since the Basque Coast has a rugged geography with many curves and steep slopes, which increases the risk of accidents. Radars help control speed in these dangerous areas.

Another reason could be the climatic condition itself of the Basque Country area, with frequent rain and fog, which reduces visibility and increases the risk of accidents. Radars serve to ensure that drivers slow down in these conditions.

Finally, it can be noted that the Basque Coast has a large influx of trafficeven more so in high season, so radars are very necessary to control it and make its roads safer.

The others 9 coastal areas with the most radars in Spain They would be the following, according to Coyote:

On the other hand, and without counting the coastal areas, The Autonomous Community with the highest number of radars is Cataloniawhich has 721 distributed throughout its territory. In fact, the radar that more fines imposed in Barcelona has data from more than 19,400 fines in one year.

However, Cadiz It has two of the most punishing radars in all of Spain. Their data is very high and has 79,000 and 68,000 fines in one year respectively.

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