The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Pagehas charged again this Friday against the proposals contemplated by the Government of Spain in terms of regional financing to provide Catalonia of “special treatment”, and points out that It would be “too expensive a price to pay to maintain a position.”

“The only thing missing is that on top of that, we all end up paying for the entire independence party,” García-Page blurted out, after this Thursday the first vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Monteroit was stated that Catalonia should have “special treatment” in the financial debate.

During the event celebrating the 40th anniversary of the inauguration of the hemodialysis service at the University Hospital of Guadalajara, the regional leader has questioned the “singularity of Catalonia“, stating that “we are all unique.”

“It has nothing to do with Madridwhich is a single province with 7 million inhabitants, with this community that we are five provinces, with 2,100,000, where to provide primary health care in Cuenca, as president, I need 50 centers, the entire province being the same population as Fuenlabrada , which does it with five”, has delved into this argument.


The Castilian-Manchego president has questioned the real reasons for the requests of the Catalan Generalitat, stating that “the big difference there is, and it is not a singularity, it is an offense, is that “Here we do not spend a single euro on having embassies abroad”. “It is propaganda to break up Spain,” she added.

García-Page has stated that it is already “hard enough to have to agree or compromise with the Catalan extreme right”, stating that he is offended by “how in this country the Catalan extreme right is made out to be, that isa Puigdemont“as a progressive, rejecting the granting of special treatment in financial matters.

“In no way, we are not going to consent to it,” said García-Page. “It would be too expensive a price to keep a position,” she said.

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