El Central Complutense Stadium in Madrid will witness the first edition of the Rugby Bears Trophywhich will take place soon 8 of June. The event will seek to strengthen cultural and sporting ties between Espa�a, Italia y France. It is promoted by Rugby Orsi Italiani Di Madrid and will be sponsored by the Italian Embassy.

The tournament will be played by four teams: the Liceo Francés Rugby Club, the Cisneros Rugby Club, Hermo Soto del Real as winner of the regional league of the Community of Madrid and, finally, the Lupi team of the Lazio Committee of the Federation n Italian Rugby.

In addition, it has the in collaboration with the Madrid Italian Rugby Federation. The main objective is to celebrate the passion that is felt in both countries around this sport. The semifinals will pit, on the one hand, Cisneros against Hermo Soto del Real and, on the other, Lupi against Liceo.

This first edition will have the presence of an FIR delegation and the trophy awarded to the winner will be decorated with ribbons representing the flags of Italy, Spain and France.

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