Germany’s conservative opposition leader, Friedrich Merz, on Wednesday flatly rejected offers from Chancellor Olaf Scholz for further cross-party talks on migration policy.

Merz also indignantly denied Scholz’s claims that he staged the failure of the most recent round of talks on Tuesday evening to score political points.

Scholz accused Merz of “sloganeering” and refusing to engage in actual negotiations on serious issues facing the country, preferring political posturing and grandstanding instead.

Merz denied that and called the accusation “disgraceful.”

But Merz said that policies offered by Scholz’s government on Tuesday fell well short of what is needed to limit migration into the country.

“And that is why we are not entering into an endless loop of talks with you,” said Merz.

Instead, Scholz’s government should bring a concrete set of proposals to parliament for public debate, Merz said.

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