The Spanish men’s and women’s 7s rugby teams They already know the rivals against whom they will fight for permanence on the circuit among the 12 best teams in the world in the last and decisive World Series which will be held in Madrid from May 31 to June 2 at the Civitas Metropolitano Stadium.

Having finished overall among the last four teams after the dispute of the seven rounds, tenth position in case of Los Leones and twelfth in the case of Las Leonasboth will have to fight to keep their place on the circuit in Madrid.

They will do so against the teams that have not qualified to compete for the title, that is, those classified in the ninth to second position, in addition to the best four Challenger Teams or second world division of the Olympic modality.

The Lions have been framed in the Group B, in which they will compete against Samoa (11th classified in the Series), Kenya (2� from Challenger) and Chile (3� from Challenger). After the group stage, in which they will play two games on Friday and one on Saturday, on Sunday they will face the last and definitive duel that will decide their destiny. Depending on the results obtained, they will cross paths USA (9th classified in the Series), Canad� (12th classified in the Series), Uruguay (1� del Challenger) o Germany (4� of the Challenger) and the winner will remain one more season competing on the circuit among the 12 best in the World.

The competition system for The lioness It is the same, but naturally changing the rivals. María Ribera’s team will compete in the preliminary phase in the Group A ante Jap�n (9th classified in the Series), China (1� from Challenger) and Poland (4� from Challenger). The final matches for permanence could pit them against Brazil (10th classified in the Series), Sud�frica (11th classified in the Series), Argentina (2� del Challenger) o B�lgica (3� del Challenger).

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