La Spanish Rugby Federation and the National Club Associations have signed a declaration of intent for the creation of a professional league and the transfer of powers from the competition from the federative entity to the clubs. The agreements signed by the presidents of the FER and the ANCR confirm their desire that Division of Honor and Iberdrola League women’s competition can be organized by the National Association of Rugby Clubs in the future. Likewise, it is the will of both parties, in the shortest possible time, to establish a health insurance that regulates the aspects for the organization of both competitions by the ANCR.

The parties also agreed to establish permanent and active channels of communication and collaboration for all matters of common interest, and expressed their desire for there to be a collaboration agreement that regulates these competitions for the 2024-2025 season.

Juan Carlos Mart�n, president of the FERcelebrated the agreement by assuring that “going hand in hand with the clubs It is always a fundamental axis of work. We believe that with communication and transparency, we can all reach very powerful agreements in the matter at hand. “We are very happy with this signing and confident in the steps we will take from now on,” he added.

For its part, Miquel Mart�nez, Secretary of the ANCR, noted that “this agreement arises from the will of both the Federation and the Clubs of grow. The objective is to go hand in hand to develop a strong League, both male and femalewhich in turn helps to have selections powerful than the ones we see in each World Cup. The clubs must be proactive and work too. And that’s what we’re doing”.

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