Bones La Vila volver� a Divisions de Honor men’s championship just a year after its relegation after beating 20-25 Industrial Engineers in Las Rozas in the final of the Division of Honor B. As in the semifinal round against French High School, Industriales had the last posesi�n of the match, but then it was worth it to turn the score around (22-21), this time a great defensive action by The Village, that forced a hold three meters from their goal area, depriving the Madrid team of victory.

Hern�n’s team Quirelli saw his reward regularity in the crash, since he was only behind on the scoreboard in the initial stretch and certified his promotion with a try from Jaume Linares in the 77th minute. Industriales will still have a new opportunity to advance, by disputing the promoci�n in front of Bar�a Rugby, penultimate in the Honor Division. In the semifinals, La Vila defeated 16-22 Valencia.

The Alicante team managed to control the fortress f�sica of the contacts, the drive of his hobby and the illusion of doing history. For La Vila the match was the most serious of those played this season, concentrated from the first minute and sure of their team play. Rest was reached with 10-10, but with time running out a long kick hit the crossbar, preventing La Vila from going to the locker room with an advantage.

In the resumption, two tests by Jaume Linares They decided the match, despite the fact that Industriales never lost face in the match.

Initial XV of Industriales de Las Rozas: Gonzlez, Ferreiro, Raya, Bermdez, Esquivel, Southcombe, Francisco Gonzlez, Ugo Roger, Oliver Fuica, William Torres, Luna, Nez, Gardner. Substitutes: Bastias, Cheek guitart, Already, Riva, Serrano, Andrino, of the Guard, M ndez.

Starting XV of Huesitos La Vila: Adri�n, Oveja, Levin, Morros, Paco, Cholo, Miguel, Joan, Franco, Javi Carri�n, Jaume, Fede, Totti, Alejandro and Tomi. Substitutes: Oscar, Bou, Jaime Ortega, Chechile, Rodri, Mauri, Fran Mar�and �lvaro.

�rbitro: Eki Fanlo.

Reprimanded: Yellow to Javi Morros and Diego Levin, from La Vila and Manuel Raya from Industriales.

Campo: El Cantizal, Las Rozas, Madrid

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